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08/26/2024 00:43 #60923

hiking recovery
Category: hiking

When you get back from a campout weekend, you feel like you're floating. I took Tuesday off, and went hiking with (e:Paul) up at the gorge trail. I was exhausted so laying at the rocks down by the rapids was very nice

The State Parks recently redid the shelter at the Whirlpool trail parking lot. The bathrooms are super nice. One big all gender bathroom, floor to ceiling cubicle stalls, very clean. It's weird but I was very impressed.

Later we had too much dinner at falafel bar.



08/26/2024 00:01 #60922

Honcho Campout 2024
Category: dance
Hemlock Hole, conveniently cropped

I'm still over the moon from campout this year. This was probably my favorite year, though I think I say that every year. This year, we had managed to convince (e:mike) and (e:libertad) to join us, despite Mike's strict anti-camping stance. I'll leave it to him to say if we changed his mind or not.

Just like the first time we went to Campout (e:joe,60626), 8 years ago in West Viriginia, the fur, butts and human soup still exists, only on a scale 5 times as big. I actually had two people this year tell me they came across this blog searching it. So if you come across this and are on the fence, go. It's life changing.


We went down early for us, 10am on Wednesday the 14th. 219, Twisty Pennsylvanian roads, annual Chipotle and Sheetz, and we were there. Setting up in the light for once, in the Central camp. It was so crowded already, I think I want to move to the festival suburbs next year.

Wednesday night is very chill with no music. Just sort of people drifting around and catching up. Thursday, being the first full day of camp is a bit of the same.

By Friday it picks up. The day gets going at Hemlock Hole, people get down into the creek. Those with the closets start cycling through their dozens of looks. I'm wearing the dirty cargo shorts I will wear all weekend.

Mike and Dave finally arrived in the afternoon when the music was really getting going at Hemlock Hole (but so was the rain). We stayed up until about 4 or 5 (who can tell what time it is) with the pong crew at the grove.

Saturday everything continues building up for the big night. I always intend to stay up until the sunrises on the Grove set, this year I successfully did that. zi! and Leonce blew my mind.

Sunday might be my favorite day. At that point it seems like anything goes. Social barriers are removed, small talk is dead, everyone seems so happy and ready to bond with their new friends. At one point, Carrieondisco sampled "This must be the place" during their set and I felt like I could fly away.

The things I loved most about this year was getting to know some of the Pittsburgh pack and friends better. I love that scene, they are so freaking nice. There were times dancing where things went feral and I was in another world. I introduced Paul's new camp name for me, I don't know if it will stick lol.

It's a phoneless place for me, with the exception of a quick hour on Sunday. I wanted to try and grab some pictures to remember in the future since I never post anymore, and elderly me is going to want to remember this.

Dom and Nick
New buddy Chord
Teo from Brookyn. I really enjoyed meeting him
Tev from Minneapolis. An excellent DJ and very good guy

Absolutely love this guy Smoko

The Grove, a rare photo in the light

04/20/2024 00:10 #60921

happy birthday Denise and Alex


06/23/2023 19:42 #60913

happy pride
A weekend of buddy buddy, followed by the parade and festival with the family. My favorite weekend of the year.

01/15/2023 20:05 #60907

blizzard of 2022
